The doctors have reported that the tracheotomy procedure went well. Cathy will be 'sleeping off' the sedation for an hour or two. She was also given a drug to temporarily paralyze her. The effects of this should be wearing off before she wakes up.
Cathy spiked another fever last night. As a precaution, earlier today the nurse collected samples for bacteria cultures. The infectous desease doctor came by to let me know that he believes the fever is associated with the extibation and intibation procedures yesterday. He also said that the strain of virus that Cathy 'caught' is one that has been around all year. Nothing exotic, therefore they know how to attack it. They are pretty sure it is gone, but they will continue to monitor Cathy as a precaution in case some of the virus is 'hiding out' somewhere.
Great news... the Trach procedure went smoothly.
David is providing awesome updates.
I wish I could be with you to support and watch over you during this crucial time.
I am happy to hear Bonnie is able to come out to be by your side.
I Miss you ....
You are in my prayers. You're doing great, stay tough!
Love Ya
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