Thursday, July 10, 2008

Missed Communication

By the time I left Cathy's room last night, she had adjusted well to being on ventilator assistance only. All her 'numbers' were good. She also did very well through the night, although she did not sleep well.

When I arrived at her ICU room early this morning, the respiratory therapist has just reduced the assistance pressure on the ventilator. She had been told by the previous respiratory therapist that the assistance is to be reduced by two units every day. However, after making the change, the RT was double checking the doctor's orders and could not confirm the order. Therefore, the vent-assist setting was reset. I appreciate the RT's diligence. During the several minutes that Cathy was at the lower setting, I could again see the stressful expression on her face as she struggled to re-adjust herself to the additional work she must perform in order to breath. She was however, appearing to become comfortable about the time the RT re-set the ventilator. This is a good sign for when they do reduce the setting later today after the orders are confirmed by the doctor.

During the past 24 hours Cathy has made tremendous progress. Keep those thoughts and prayers coming.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Progress...I love reading about your progression. Keep up that strong will of yours and we will keep praying for you!! As David stated, we are the "Cathy team"!
Love Always, Denise