Thursday, November 13, 2008

A Word

Cathy struggled with her breathing today. The doctors have the support settings on the Bi-Pap to the maximum that it can provide. Today they also increased the frequency of Cathy's respiratory treatments. Her blood gasses are being checked every 6 hours. The resident on duty said that the results of the blood draw taken at 6 pm were the best for the day. While he was in the room discussing the days difficulties and the changes in Cathy's treatment, he used a term that sent shudders through Cathy (and me) -- re-intibate. He said that they do not want to re-intabate Cathy. She needs to relax and concentrate on her breathing. He reassured Cathy that her 'numbers' are still good.

The term came out of left field. I assume that it is being discussed among the doctors. I think we may have just been 'prepped'. I hope and pray that I am wrong.


Anonymous said...

Cathy we pray,

Dear Jesus,
Divine Physician and Healer of the Sick, we turn to You in this time of illness.
O dearest Comforter of the Troubled, alleviate our worry and sorrow with Your gentle love,
and grant us the grace and strength to accept this burden.
Dear God,
We place our worries in Your hands.
We ask that You restore Cathy to health again.

Anonymous said...

Amen! I encourage you both not to allow that fear to overcome you! Keep your eyes on the Lord and His perfect and powerful provision! C.J., you have not used up all your miracles, you have many more coming your way....expect them!

Keeping you always in my prayers,
I love you,

Jami said...

Sacred Heart of Jesus
I place my trust in thee........

Love and strength to everyone.

Hang in there Jo

Love always,
Jami Lynne x/o