This Blog was set up for the benefit of those of us that love Cathy and want to remain updated on her progress towards recovery from this latest set back in her health.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
She has been sitting up in the high-backed chair, on the trach collar, since 6:30 this morning. Two seperate blood gas analysis this afternoon indicated that her system is retaining to much CO2. She will rest again on the ventilator overnight.
Last night Cathy had another fever. We have been told that this fever was probably caused by the bronchoscopy. However, the doctors are not taking any chances. She continues to be given a 'broad spectrum antibiotic" until the results of some of the cultures are received.
Her pain management is still being handled with the self administered morphine and vicodin. She is using the 'button' less and less every day.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Something Does Not Feel Right
By the time the attending physician came by just before 9 am, Cathy was exhausted from trying to keep her breath. At that time we were not aware that she had also 'spiked' a fever (100.2) during the night. The doctor had Cathy put on the ventilator (over 52 hours on the trach collar by the time they hooked her up to the ventilator). He also put things in motion to perform a bronchoscopy this afternoon. The fever raised concerns over an infection. Cultures from the bronchoscopy, blood samples, and other bodily fluids will not be available for a couple days. In the mean time, different antibiotics have been ordered.
The bronchoscopy was completed by 3 pm. The doctor said that everything looked good inside her lung, possibly even better than during the bronchoscopy performed last Tuesday. He did say that the lung may be slightly collapsed. This could be a manifestation of the re-profusion injury. Having her rest overnight on the ventilator should reverse this collapse.
There is an eight-hundred pound gorilla in the corner of this room. Besides the concern over infection, there is also a concern for rejection. This gorilla will remain sitting in the corner until the samples taken during today's bronchoscopy are analyzed. Monkey: Go Away!
Friday, November 28, 2008
A Lap For Her Supporters
Cathy was able to walk a complete lap around the ICU for physical therapy this afternoon. She was cheered on during this lap by some of the other nurses in the unit. She has been here so long there are many nurses that have played rolls in her recovery. Their sincere encouragement means a lot to Cathy. When she was done, the look of accomplishment on her face was priceless. A photo op, and I did not have a camera at hand.
During the night Cathy developed a mucous blockage. The nurse and respiratory therapist worked with Cathy to remove this blockage. What stands out different with this event, when compared to previous times when she developed a blockage, was that Cathy was able to bring up most of the blockage herself with the strength of her new lung, and she did not need to be put on the ventilator afterwards.
No word on the biopsy of the sore from the top of her head. However we were told that the samples taken during the bronchoscopy last Tuesday are negative for both infection and rejection.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving
Last night Cathy started to produce blood with her lung secretions (quite a bit). The doctors said that this is not a concern. The bleeding is from reprofusion injury. All transplant patients get it. Cathy has a mild case of this injury. This was caused when the blood and oxygen were reintroduced into her new lung after transplant. For some reason, after tissue has sat without blood circulating through it for an extended period of time (like her lung when it was sitting in a bucket of water before transplant) the tissue swells up when it starts to receive blood and oxygen again. It is normal, we were told to expect it, and it is happening.
Today is a Thanksgiving that Cathy and I are not going to forget. No turkey, no cranberries, no gravy or pumpkin pies, just the two of us discussing plans for trips and adventures. Two weeks ago a simple trip out of bed was becoming an impossibility. Today the possibilities are... well you all know... The depths of our thanks to that special family somewhere in Colorado cannot be expressed in words. Our prayers are with them as they pass through this day without their son, brother, uncle, nephew, cousin....
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Extra Credits
Cathy sat up in the high-back chair all day. She has been on the trach collar for a little over thirty-eight hours. Her blood gasses are holding at good levels. Her blood's pH however is heading a little low (acidic). Tonight she is going to be put back on the ventilator to rest her lungs overnight. She is so close to becoming independent of the ventilator.
Cathy went for a walk today! The physical therapist took Cathy for a walk outside of her room, back and forth in front of the nurses station. When I told her how great that was, she immediately corrected me. "That was not great, that was awesome!" She is right, I stand corrected.
The dermatologist was by Cathy's room this morning to perform a biopsy of her sore. We probably will not know the results for a couple days.
I neglected to mention in yesterday's update that Cathy was moved to a different room, again. She is still in the cardio-thoracic surgical ICU. This room has an excellent view of Westwood, Bel Air and Santa Monica - A light show at night and a view to the ocean on a clear day.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Bring It On
Cathy went twenty-four hours on the trach collar yesterday. After that time her blood gasses were all good. The medicine team had her put back on the ventilator this morning for a couple hours. Cathy does not feel like she needed the rest.
Back in July, Cathy developed a sore on the top of her head. At that time this was just another minor issue to be dealt with. This sore was examined by a couple of the residents and she was prescribed some cream. Over time the sore improved. After a few weeks it kinda went 'out of mind'. Last weekend, Jessica and I noticed a trickle of blood running down Cathy's forehead. The sore is back. It is now larger and crusty. A dermatologist examined it this morning. There were several possibilities given for the sore, among them was a skin cancer. Because of the many medications Cathy has been taking, they are not going to take any chances. Tomorrow a biopsy of this sore will be performed. Cathy is remaining positive.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Gimme Three Steps
The remaining chest tube was pulled this afternoon. Also this afternoon, the occupational therapist stopped by and spent quite some time with Cathy. During her visit, the OT washed, brushed and braided Cathy's hair. It is nothing like what Cristina would have done, but it still made Cathy feel much better.
This morning Cathy sat up in the cardiac chair for a few hours. When they move her from her bed to the cardiac chair, the chair flattens out and she is slid from the bed onto the chair. Then the chair is reconfigured to the sitting position. After sitting in the cardiac chair for a few hours, the physical therapist came in to see Cathy. The PT had Cathy stand up and walk over to a high-backed chair - Three Steps!!!! After sitting in this chair for a couple more hours, Cathy stood up and reversed those three steps back to her bed. With the help of the nurse, she was able to get herself back into bed. How about that!
Today a 'new' attending physician took over service in the ICU. This doctor was also the attending physician in the ICU when Cathy was first admitted last June. He lead the team that had a big part is saving Cathy's life. It is very fitting that he will also be playing a big part in the final stages of her recovery.
All was not roses today. The swallowing test did not go as well as Cathy and I had hoped. There was a small amount of the stuff Cathy swallowed (water and pudding dyed green) 'going the wrong way'. The plan is to revisit this test in the near future. We learned that the muscles involved with swallowing and talking also need some reconditioning. Cathy is supposed to start trying to talk while she is on the trach collar by blocking off the trach tube with a finger. This will exercise these muscles.
Tomorrow Cathy is scheduled for another bronchoscopy. This is an examination that is typically performed on all lung transplant patients seven days out from transplant.
The next hurdle is for Cathy to become independent of the ventilator. If she can make it twenty-four hours without needing the ventilator, the doctors will put in orders to have her moved 'to the floor'. This will reduce the amount of 'bugs' Cathy is exposed to, reducing the worries about her catching something that will damage her new lung. They will also remove the trach. If the trach is removed, the cause of the swallowing problems also goes away. The issues will tumble like dominoes.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Exam Day Tomorrow
The attending physician from the pulmonology team said that the atelectasis is improving.
Yesterday when Cathy was put on the trach collar, it took her almost two hours to adjust and become comfortable. This morning when she was put on the trach collar she was comfortable within a few minutes.
Tomorrow Cathy is scheduled to have a swallow test. (She has taken this test four times now, she should ace it). If she 'passes' this test she will be able to start eating and drinking normal food. Of course she will have to deal with the pureed stuff at first.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Big Words
To lessen her pain, the plan for today was to remove one of the two drain tubes from her chest. However as this procedure was about to be performed, the nurse practitioner suspected that there was an air leak into her chest cavity. The investigation into this potential issue is still ongoing. Stay tuned.
This morning the attending physician from the pulmonology team said that Cathy's new lung has some atelectasis in the lower lobe. (Look at that, I got to use a BIG word). As the doctor told me, "This is just a term for a collapsed lung, it just doesn't sound as scary". This is probably being caused from Cathy's shallow breathing due to the pain. Having her sit up in the cardiac chair and taking full breaths should eventually correct this atelectasis (ooohhh, used it twice).
Friday, November 21, 2008
The Gift Of Life
While Cathy was being moved, one of the heart/lung transplant coordinators happened by. She had an interesting story. She is currently working with a patient, a young child, who has been in the hospital for over eight months. This child received the heart from Cathy's donor. One gift has helped at least two families.
Cathy has settled in to her new surroundings (that's pretty easy to do when it looks identical to her previous room). Several of the doctors and surgeons have all said that by the third day, the pain from the incision should start decreasing. Today was the third day, so we are looking forward to the better days ahead.
The Nomadic Patient Part Two
The physical therapist came at the end of her time in the chair, so once again bad timing prevented Cathy from having physical therapy. Cathy did manage to stand for a brief moment. I was not in the room, the nurse informed me that she had good balance. We'll take it!!!
Cathy has not slept well since the transplant. Actually, she hasn't slept well since last Thursday when the fluid retention issue started to give her problems breathing. She is dosing in and out of sleep at this time. Hopefully she will get a full nights rests tonight (as much as she can with someone coming in and poking or proding, or josteling her every one or two hours.
...... Well, as I am blogging we got the word that Cathy is being moved two doors down (isn't that a song?). Something about patient and nurse parings. So much for getting some sleep right away. Gotta pack up......
Friday Morning
Today the plan is to have her spend some time on the trach collar and get some exercise. If necessary, she will be put on the ventilator during her physical therapy. Getting her to move her muscles is one of the primary priorities. It has been so long since she has walked, her ankle joints have very little movement. Although not near as extreme, the movement in her shoulders are also limited (especially the left side where she has the added pleasure of dealing with her surgery incision).
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Time For Jane Fonda's Workout
She is back on the ventilator on a pressure support mode (like the Bi-Pap). The plan for the rest of the evening is to have her set up in a cardiac chair (lets the diaphragm work better) and wear a pneumatic vest that will vibrate and loosen up her secretions.
On The Collar
Cathy is still on the collar. I wouldn't say she is going strong, but she is still going. She is doing it with an intense concentration and that Cathy stubbornness.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Although, Cathy did receive the call for her first transplant fours years ago on November 17th. That call came around 6 pm on that day. By the time we got to the hospital and Cathy was prepped for surgery, and it was confirmed that the lungs were good, it was very close to midnight. Surgery began after midnight on November 18th. Yesterday, Cathy went into the OR just before 4 pm. The surgery was complete just before midnight. Both surgeries were conducted entirely on the 18th of November. Hummmmm....
Cathy and her daughters have always shared a kinda numbers communication code. I am sure it is nothing unique to them. The number sequence 1, 4 and 3 carries the meaning of "I Love You" for them. They use this code with true feelings. Well, yesterday was Cathy's 143rd day in the hospital. Hummmmmm......
God just told Cathy that he loves her.......
Still A Bit Groggy
Cathy had a bronchosopy this afternoon around 4 pm (more sedation). The doctors said everything looked real good. I was given a quick tour of the inside of her new lung. Since this was my first time seeing this I have nothing to compare it to. It was amazing. At one point I did notice something that caught my attention. I saw in very small print, at the top of the bronchial, some writing that said "Made in Colorado".
The pulmonology team all speak very highly of her new lung. Listening to them talk about this lung you would think they were discussing some high priced sports car. "Its a beautiful lung" were among some of the phrases I heard.
Cathy is doing much better. Of course she has a tremendous amount of pain at her incision site. She is very thirsty. She cannot have anything to drink until they are sure everything is OK and they will not have to send her back to the OR for any reason.
Cathy Enters Puberty Again
She is still sedated.
One of the attending pulminologists was is a few moments ago. He said that her lung sounds very good. Her blood pressure is back up to normal. They have begun to ween Cathy off the oxygen support.
Another bit of information about the lung: Its from a 16 year old male.
Cleanout On Aisle Four
The bleeding has not subsided. Cathy has been given 5 units of blood since 2 am. They will be taking her back down to the OR soon to open her up to find the bleeding.
Rocky Mountain High
One more thing the surgeon said about Cathy's lung: He told us that it came from Colorado. We do not know any more about it than that.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Its Done!
Shift Change
Its In
First Progress Report
I think the 6 to 8 hour clock just started.
Its A Party
Its A Go
A Call
I rushed to the hospital in time to cross paths with the Doctors Saggar. At this time it is looking good. They said the lung identified is a left lung. The plan had been for a right lung, but something has caused them to call an audible and change the plan. We trust their judgement.
Cathy is understandably a little anxious at the moment. It is now a waiting game to see if the lung is good enough for transplant. Minutes? Hours? We don't know. However long it is, it will seem like an eternity.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Happy Birthday Cathy
Tonight is the four year anniversary of Cathy's transplant. This was another long night in our lives. We are both grateful for that second chance and have cherished every extra moment of life that miracle has given her. It is a little bittersweet that we are celebrating this re-birthday in the hospital.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Finally Some Sleep
Burning Down The House
This morning they upped the anti on the amount of lasix Cathy received. Although she released a lot of fluids over the past 24 hours, there is no noticeable difference in her swelling, and more importantly for Cathy, no improvement in her breathing. The medicine team said that the x-rays did not show any fluids in Cathy's chest cavity. The pulmonary team believes that, with the amount of fluids Cathy is carrying in her lower extremities, she could also have extra fluids in her lungs. This would explain her difficulties. It also means that after the fluids are removed, Cathy should see improvement in her ability to breath. It has taken several days to build up the fluids. It is going to take a few days to bring the levels back down.
Lasix has been a part of Cathy's daily routine since her transplant. Sometime during the past few weeks, her daily dosage of lasix was DC'd. I missed this change. I asked the pulmonary team about the reasons for this change. They speculated that Cathy's blood creatinine levels may have been a little high. This would have been an indication that her kidneys were not functioning properly. If high creatinine levels were observed, the medicine team may have DC'd her daily lasix dosage.
In the midst of Cathy's struggles, the world around us is on fire. Although no fires are anywhere close to the hospital (yet), the air outside is filled with smoke and soot. The doctors have ordered a room air filter for Cathy's room. The small amount of contaminants that are entering the room may be contributing to Cathy's difficulties. Therefore, after the filter is put in place, we have been asked to keep her door closed as much as possible.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Off Limits
During the past few days I have described a slow deterioration of Cathy's physical strength. I have also alluded to a somber shift in her mental attitude. One manifestation of the deterioration in her strength and a big part of her 'somberness' has been an inability for her to take care of her own 'personal needs' (I cannot get any closer to the line that that). Put together her loss in strength, her inability to walk even the shortest distances, her inability to take care of herself, and being told that there is nothing more that can be done except make her comfortable, and it is understandable that she is in a mental funk (another off-limits topic).
This morning one of the pulmonary care physicians (transplant team) came by Cathy's room. This doctor had a comment that was precisely opposite of the doctor's comments on Wednesday.
"I think we can help".
During the past few days, along with Cathy's decreased strength, her lower extremities have swollen up like a balloon. Apparently this issue and Cathy's loss in strength are kinda like the chicken and egg thing: which one came first, which is the cause and which is the effect?
After confirmation of good liver functions (or is it the kidney?), they are going to aggressively go after the swelling - water retention. They need to check the kidney's function (or is it the liver?) because the treatment, lasix, in high dosages can damage the liver (or kidney).
Cathy was given something positive to hope for. The next couple days will tell - was it the chicken or was it the egg?
Friday, November 14, 2008
Friday Night Lights
There isn't much more to update tonight. Just spending a casual Friday evening relaxing and watching the tube.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
A Word
The term came out of left field. I assume that it is being discussed among the doctors. I think we may have just been 'prepped'. I hope and pray that I am wrong.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
As Tears Go By
"There is nothing more that we can do for you at this time except make you comfortable until you receive a new lung".
Cathy was again unable to get out of bed today for physical therapy. She tried. This added to her 'funk'.
On the positive side of things: The bleeding in her lungs/airways has stopped (again). Her secretions are clear, no color or dried blood.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Bank Holidays
Cathy is still 'producing some blood' with her lung secretions. Its not a lot, but enough for her to need medications to help her body produce more blood and bring her blood counts closer to where they are supposed to be (one step away from another transfusion).
Becky will be coming down this evening to spend some time with Cathy. This will give me the opportunity leave a bit early and steal a few extra minutes of sleep.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Adding To The List
The bleeding in Cathy's lungs has resumed. It is still assumed that bleeding is being caused by agressive suctioning. The respiratory therapists are trying to follow a careful suctioning schedule. Not so much as to cause more bleeding but enough to remove the blood and secretions so they do not become blockages in her airway.
PS. Semper Fi
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Groovin' . . . On A Sunday Afternoon
This afternoon some dried blood came loose from somewhere within her airways (wherever the bleeding had been occuring). This dried blood started to block the trach tube. After a well timed visit from a respiratory therapist the situation was addressed before there was a complete blockage.
Does it worry you to be alone?
The bleeding in Cathy's lungs stopped sometime yesterday. This is a big relief. The doctors are holding all blood draws through the weekend (except for testing blood sugars) to help Cathy maintain the proper blood counts without another transfusion.
Cathy slept a little better last night. The visitors during the day helped her to relax a bit. Add that to the reduced anxieties over mucous blockages and she was able to get a little deep sleep.
A new attending physician took over rotation in the medicine unit yesterday. She has been in to see Cathy three times since Saturday morning. Cathy appears to have bonded quickly with her. It helps that she can read lips very well.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
All Night Long
Yesterday Cathy started to produce blood again in her mucous secretions. Cultures have been taken to ensure that this is not being caused by an infection. It is likely being caused by trauma from the suctioning she receives. Also, the respiratory therapist left the Bi-Pap's humidifier off overnight on Thursday. This may have dried out her airways.
During the night, while she was receiving a treatment from the respiratory therapist, a clot of this blood/mucous secretion came loose and blocked Cathy's airway (trach tube). The respiratory therapist froze, she did not react. Cathy pleaded with her to remove the inner cannula from the trach tube. Cathy was gasping for a breath and writhing from the pain. After some prompting from me (I must have been a little loud, the nurse came running down the hall into the room at that time) the RT removed the cannula. It was completely clogged with a clot. Besides the immediate scare to Cathy, this event made her fearful of falling asleep and another clot blocking the cannula. It was a long night for the both of us. Not really a fiesta.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Long-Haired Freaky People Need Not Apply
I don't know how much of the local news has been covered elsewhere, if you haven't heard, this afternoon protesters took to the streets in West Los Angeles and Westwood. As I was listening to the developments on the radio during my drive to the hospital, I was at first sympathetic to the rights of those voicing their opinions. As my drive drew closer to the hospital, and the protesters moved their activities closer to the same destination, and my commute tempo slowed, my sympathies started to shift. By the time I was within a few miles of the hospital and my commute had slowed to a very, very slow crawl, I was about ready to scream at the first long-haired hippy freak protester carrying a sign that I saw. After an extra hour and a half on top of my normal two-hour commute, I walked into Cathy's room and my perspective did another 180. Let-em protest, H#!! yeah. Long-haired hippy freaks everywhere let your voices be heard.
OK.... I'm better now. I'll climb down off of my soap box. Thank you for letting me vent.
The physical therapist did not show again today. I caught the day nurse in the elevator as she was leaving for the day. She explained that they waited for the PT until after 3 pm. By that time Cathy no longer had enough energy to get up, so they did not attempt to have the Care Partner take Cathy for a walk. She said that tomorrow she will not wait until that late in the day.
It has been suggested to Cathy that she try reading, drawing, or writing to help pass the time and keep her spirits up. Magazines, books, note pads, pens and pencils have all been brought in. Cathy does not utilize these items because they take energy and concentration to use, handle and even focus upon. Some doctors and nurses get a little 'frustrated' when Cathy resists writing notes to them when they have a hard time reading her lips. Cathy feels she must focus all her energy upon breathing. The act of writing or reading takes her focus away from breathing. Holding a pen and pad, or a book for more that a few moments is tiring to her and makes her short of breath.
So, people can argue and protest as much as they want over the definition of something that we all know only truly exists in the hearts of two people, not in a paragraph of some constitution. It is a trivial argument when juxtaposed against someone protesting for a calm breath.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
The Walk of Life
Cathy ate well this evening. It seems that her battle with nausea has become a stalemate. Most of her nausea 'triggers' have been identified. To hold the nausea in check she takes a dosage of an anti-nausea med before any of these triggers. Two separate anti-nausea meds are being used.
As I mentioned last night, Cathy is still dealing with some pains, although not near as much as in August just after the G-tube procedure. Here again, the treatment involves a one-two punch approach.
Since there are no urgent physical struggles facing Cathy at this time(besides breathing), the biggest struggle for Cathy is dealing with boredom and holding on to her positive mental attitude. Today's walk went a long ways towards cutting the boredom and lifting her spirits.
Cathy has asked me to send her love to everyone and thank you once again for all the prayers, good thoughts, words of encouragement, support, love and kindness. xoxo
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Gonna Climb A Mountain
The physical therapist did not show up again today. Tomorrow Cathy is going to ask one of the care partners to take her for a walk.
The ultrasound was not performed today either. The bumps have not been bothering her a hole lot the past day or so. I guess they will eventually go away and we will never know what they were or what caused them. Cathy is receiving so many medications it is a wonder she hasn't grown something more than some extra bumps.
In general, Cathy is doing pretty good. She is eating a little here and there, she has a desire to get up and go, and for the most part her pains back to her baseline (her chronic headaches and occasionally the pressure sore reminds her it is still there).
Monday, November 3, 2008
Monday Monday
The ultrasound was not performed either. The resident from the medicine team stopped by and gave the bumps another examination. Nothing much more has been said.
There is not much else to update this evening. Cathy is watching Finding Nemo, that should lift her spirits.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Sunshine On Her Shoulders Makes Her Happy
The attending physician came in this morning and gave another opinion about Cathy's bumps. He did not express any great concern over them (of course that could just be that poker face training again). I believe an ultrasound has still been ordered for tomorrow.
Cathy has been 'snacking' a bit today: A little scrambled eggs and potatoes this morning, a couple hard boiled eggs and watermelon this afternoon and who knows what this evening. It seems her appetite is starting to return.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Have You Ever Seen The Rain?
A California Roll and Squirt soda for supper tonight. That doesn't sound to appealing to me but Cathy appears to be diggin' it.
We had a brief 'thunder, lightening and rain shower' show from the hospital room this evening. Cathy enjoys the rain so this was a special treat for her. It was made even more special because she was able to share it with Jessica.