Cathy is having a very good day today. She was sitting up in a chair from around 1 pm until after 7:30 this evening. She has been on the trach collar since 2 pm. They will be putting her back on respiratory support sometime between 9 and 10 this evening. She ate some pureed cream of chicken soup and pureed roast beef (yuk) for supper tonight.
Becky has been here visiting with her mom since around 2 this afternoon. Earlier in the day, Norma, her good friend and transplant buddy, stopped by for a visit as well. Cathy said that these visits helped to brighten her day.
Cathy says that the pain in her shoulder is almost gone. Her range of motion is almost back to normal.
The transplant team wants to perform a bronkoscopy to determine the source/cause of the bleeding in Cathy's lungs (look down into Cathy lungs with a camera). If they can obtain a "child-size" scope that will fit through the tracheotomy tube, they will perform this procedure tomorrow. If a "child-size" scope cannot be obtained, they may have to close off the tracheotomy, re-intibate Cathy, and perform the bronkoscopy through the intibation tube like they did the last time. We will not know until after midnight if they were able to obtain the small scope and schedule the bronkoscopy.
Thank you Lord for strength and healing! I'm so thrilled to hear about the improvements with your shoulder and your "up" day today. I love that Jessica is getting down to see you so often and that you got to spend the day with "Becky Boo". A little love goes a long way toward healing!
I'll be in prayer about the bronchoscopy. I know you're tired with them "messing" with you and I don't blame you a bit! But, I pray that this procedure will produce a sound explanation for the bleeding and encouraging news!
Keep your eyes on the Big Guy! We love you lots!
We will continue to pray for more days like today.
May God heal your body and soul.
May your pain cease,
May your strength increase,
May your fears be released,
May blessings, love, and joy surround you.
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