Cathy had a Cat Scan of her neck and chest this morning. The results were "good". No deterioration from her previous Cat Scan and no evidence of active infections were observed. They were not able to determine the source of the bleeding (which has been a little worse today). On Monday they are going to perform the bronkoscopy. They are going to de-trach Cathy and perform the procedure through her mouth. This will allow them to inspect the trach site as well as the back of her throat. They are also going to take some fluid and tissue samples from within her lungs.
Dr. Saggar (no, not that Dr Saggar, the other Dr Saggar, his brother) and another doctor from the transplant team stopped by Cathy's room this afternoon. Dr. Saggar said that the transplant team is going to meet this Thursday and discuss Cathy's case again. He and his brother both feel Cathy is ready for another transplant. He did mention that it is acknowledged that he and his brother are a little biased about re-listing Cathy. So, it is up to Cathy to convince the other doctors on the team that she is strong enough to make it through another transplant operation. This Tuesday or Wednesday another doctor from the transplant team and the transplant surgeon will be dropping by to assess Cathy. Dr. Saggar wants them to see Cathy to get out of bed, stand and hopefully walk a few steps. If this occurs on Tuesday it may be difficult for Cathy. She may still be recovering from the sedation from the bronkoscopy.
Cathy has spent all day sleeping off the sedation from this morning's Cat Scan. (Cathy has to be sedated before she can lay flat on her back). She slept through Dr. Saggar's visit and encouraging outlook.
Make that "Three Votes"! Although I check the blog several times a day for updates, I am remiss in posting. It was so good to see Kathy on Monday after my clinic visit with Saggar.
You are such a trooper, Kathy. I cheer for you daily and hope Ross and Ardehali agree with Dr. Saggar to list you immediately.
Love you! Norma
Hey Sleepyhead!
I'm glad that you're resting up because it sounds like you have a big week ahead of you! Very exciting and nothing you can't take on I'm sure! Just remember to tap into your Power Source and trust in His perfect timing should the outcome not be what we want it to be right now. I'll be praying for increased strength and perseverance this week!
I love you!
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