Friday, August 8, 2008

Date Night

Cathy and I are anxiously awaiting the start of the Olympic events this evening.... a relaxing evening at 'home' watching the tube.

Cathy was on respiratory support for less than six hours this morning. Her lungs are getting stronger every day.

Today the physical therapist added some leg kicks to Cathy's workout. Squats, walking and leg kicks: Cathy is training for the triathlon.

The nurse mentioned the possibility of moving to a regular room tonight!!! So, who knows, this date night may end in a strange room...... sssshhhhhh.


Anonymous said...

What great news, knowing Cathy's lungs are growing stronger each day.

I hope you enjoyed your date night watching the Olympic events.

Better yet, did you get moved to that strange room tonight !!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sweetie!

I'm so sorry not to have posted in so long! It's been a little crazy at my house....not the ICU mind you, but crazy nonetheless! Your improvements have been such an awesome witness to answered prayer! Especially since I've been praying specifically for perseverance and strength. Christ has been infusing you with His power just as He promised in those passages I read you during my visit! Just remember that, when you have a slow day and are feeling tired, He hasn't left your side, it's just a time of rest! We all deserve rest...especially YOU! Keep your eyes on's working!!!!!

I love you so much!
