She can swallow!!!! Cathy passed the swallowing test this morning. For now, she is being allowed a pureed diet. (Mmmmm, pureed hot dogs and hamburgers). She is not supposed to have anything to drink without adding a thickener.
A cat scan of her new lung was performed this afternoon. The attending physician said everything looked good.
Today Cathy learned that the sore on top of her scalp is a cancer. However, the doctor's are not that concerned about it. She was told that they will wait until she is out of the hospital and deal with it as an outpatient.
Cathy is again retaining fluids. This may be part of what is causing her loss of energy. The diuretics have been restarted. (I am confused as to why they keep stopping these if the problem reoccurs whenever they stop them. A question for the list). We were told on Sunday that another cause for her lack of energy (beside the myriad of medications she is currently receiving) could be a drug she was given just before, and during, transplant. Cathy was given a drug called Campath. This drug is supposed to eliminate her need for one of the anti-rejection medications. Cathy had a difficulty after her first transplant tolerating one of the anti-rejection medications - CellCept. The Campath is supposed to eliminate her need for CellCept, for a while at least. I believe that Cathy is the first lung transplant patient at UCLA to receive this treatment. Cathy's lack of energy may be a side effect of the Campath.
Twleve hours on the trach collar today. She is at hour fourteen at sitting up in the high-back chair, but she will probably be going back to bed very soon. Today the OT washed an braided her hair again, she is getting spoiled.
Oh that hair treatment on Tuesday was just a tiny taste of the "spoiling" that awaits you my dear! You have a lot of wonderful yet simple pleasures that you have been without for so long and they are getting closer and closer to being an everyday reality for you!
Keep up the amazing's working!
I love you so much!
Wow !!!
Pureed food !!!
Awesome, good for you !!!
Maybe some French Silk Pie for dessert ???
You're doin' great my friend.
Keep it up :)
We're expecting 3-5 inches of snow
today here in Illionois.
It's just beautiful.
Close your eyes and picture it :)
Love you lots,
Jami Lynne x/o
Cathy, you deserved the pampering of a hairwash and braid.
It sounds like your lungs are working fine and you are working your way back to eating again.
I am sure they will get the fluid retention under control.
Sun damage is the likely the culprit of the cancer. Luckily, it can be treated.
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