Compared to the past six days, today was a good day for Cathy. She managed to eat a little of her breakfast, and about one-fourth of her supper (or dinner, Cathy only eats dinner). She sat up for a few minutes several times today. More significant, she managed a smile a few times today.
I confirmed that the sedative is being given for nausea. Since Cathy did start to eat today, I guess we will have to trust the doctors.
During rounds this morning the doctors from the medical observation team discussed with us the logic of moving Cathy to a nursing facility. It sounds like they would like to see Cathy moved soon. We listened to what they had to say, when they were done I mentioned that what they were saying was contrary to what Dr. Saggar had told us last week. A couple of the doctors said that they had discussed this with other doctors on the transplant team. After a minute or so of some pretty fancy 'word-dancing', they said they would talk to Dr. Saggar and get back with us. Back on Aug 25th I suggested that there may be a communication problem between the two teams. I think we saw more evidence of this again today.
I am sooo happy Cathy had a good day today! It is what we are praying for.
Well, I hope Dr.Saggar can straighten out the lack of communications between all doctors.
From what I read this week, I feel Cathy will not get the medical care she needs at this point from a nursing facility.
David, keep up the good work of communicating with the doctors and keeping your facts straight.
Yeah improvement! Every little bit counts and those "baby steps" today are moving you in the right direction! Thank you Lord! May Sunday see even more!
It will be interesting to hear the outcome once the two teams of doctors communicate with one another on the matter of moving you! I hope that, regardless of their decision, it's one that you are comfortable with. And if they do decide to move you, don't forget that the Big Guy is 100% portable and He'll be with you wherever you are!
I love you!
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