Cathy went on the trach collar for a short time this afternoon to eat lunch and again this evening for about 15 minutes to receive an aerosol antibiotic treatment that cannot be given while she is on the Bi-pap. Cathy takes a while to recover from these treatments so she did not want to go on the trach collar this evening to eat supper. She will be receiving this treatment every Wednesday until the doctors decide to DC it.
Hey Jo,
It's good to rest.
I hope you are doing just that :)
Glad you are eating.
I like to hear that :)
Grey's is on tonight.
We're watching together in my heart.
Izzy and Alex kissed last week.
I'll keep you posted.........
Take care my friend.
My prayers are with you all.
Love always,
Jami Lynne x/o
Hey guys... sorry its been so long... i tried to get on as soon as I as could... I thought of you all often... loved the survivor halloween idea as well... I am sending my all my stregnth and prayers your way...
Love, Tamika
We all need a day off from excercising and eating is a good thing to do on that day off.
Are you watching T.V keeping up with all your shows? Sounds like you and Jami have a show in common.
Sending you lots of love from MN
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